Hope Alper was born in Brooklyn, NY and has lived in Ann Arbor, MI; Sydney, Australia; Jerusalem; and San Francisco; and now lives in Berkeley, California. She has worked in consumer affairs, public relations, and catering. She loves traveling, hiking, quilting, and the Golden State Warriors.

Writing has always been one of Hope’s passions and The Chanukah Bears of Marin Circle is her first children’s picture book. During the winter holiday season, an historic fountain in her neighborhood is festively decorated with garlands, lights,  and bows. If you look carefully, you will see that the four bear cubs in the center are wearing kipot (yarmulkes). The charming story of how the bears got their kipot is told with colorful illustrations as the littlest bear tracks the lights and smells of Chanukah.

Hope also enjoys quilting and sewing and a gallery of her projects can be found at Hopeworks.net.

Hope Alper